
Monday, June 8, 2020

Rover Uniform: When, where, and why

A while back I posted a question on the Rover Trailhead forum about when and where it was appropriate to wear the uniform. I was asking it from the context of the BSA uniform, as there are certain guidelines they have for their uniform. I got a few different answers, but the best one was to wear it whenever I did scouting. It's a good, simple answer that allows me a lot more freedom of when to wear it, especially as a Lone Scout.

So this is my take on it. I wear my uniform when I am going out to do a service project. I may also wear it on occasion when going to church to show my appreciation to my Heavenly Father for the blessings that come from scouting and to show my Duty to God as written in the Scout Promise. Wearing it at civic events, or events that promote citizenship, and events that honor city heroes like first responders, is also appropriate. I also wear it when doing scouting at home with my family, as wearing the uniform is part of the game of scouting and is lots of fun. It just looks good on me too, heh.

When would I not wear it? As I've looked on social media at other BPSA Groups and stuff they do, there's something I decidedly would not use my uniform for: activism. Some reading this may disagree with me, but I find it inappropriate to be in a scout uniform for things like pride parades and protests. If you're in uniform while participating in a social or political agenda,  you're telling others that you're using scouting to esteem one creed above another, which is what Robert Baden-Powell was firmly against according to Rovering to Success. I get the unfortunate impression that some people have started BPSA Groups simply for the sake of activism. 

Scouting should be solely for scoutcraft and service to people and communities in immediate need, and should not be used to push social or political agendas. I'd probably get in big trouble with the BPSA if I started a Group whose platform was to push my religion, so it's strange that they allow Groups to push something like the LGBT agenda while in uniform. I try not to concern myself about it too much, though; I joined for the fantastic program, not for social justice jargon.
I participate in some activism. I'm pro-life and I pray in front of our local abortion center in a form of peaceful protest. Would I wear my Rover uniform while doing so? No, as I would be sending the message that I'm using scouting to support a specific social agenda. I would also avoid wearing the uniform while serving in an official capacity in my church, like a teacher or leader, as it would send a similar message. 

I would be willing to wear it to something like a church youth activity if a youth leader asked me, as a scout, to teach some scoutcraft to their youth. Something else I would do while in uniform is to pick up trash along our trails and our river parkway, or to help people in our community that need things like labor, food, or donations.

Why do I wear the uniform? To me it is to show unity among all scouts that we are brothers and sisters in scouting. It helps me focus on the Promise and Law. It shows that while in uniform, I need to act like a scout, treat all human beings as my brothers and sisters no matter our differences, to avoid pride and practice humility, and be consistent in my behavior and beliefs.

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